Creativity, Partnership and Service
That is who we are and what we provide. It is a way of being that works for us and our clients.

We use the latest 3-D modeling and augmented reality, photo realistic renderings and old-school AutoCAD to present ideas and finished concepts from beginning to end.

Custom project management software and years of experience gives us a combination of knowledge and tech to assist our clients in realizing their vision.

Experience Matters
Our principal designer and team leader has been around for a long time, and has operated in every phase of design-build over the last four decades. He is committed to completing his career in this decade by helping only the best clients realize their dream projects.


Team approach
When we show up, we are backed by a team of industry associates and team members with expertise in each area of restaurant and retail design and implementation.

Welcome to the world of

Convivium Design

Let’s Build This Together!

CONVIVIUM DESIGN, the inspiration:

The festive sharing of food and drink was an important social ritual in the ancient Roman world. Referred to in Latin as convivium (Latin: “living together” or “banquet”). We can see that the human desire to gather to celebrate with others was well-established long ago. One of the biggest drivers of technology has always been the need for shelter and food, balanced by our need to be surrounded by beauty and comfort in our homes, and also in our public gathering spaces. The hospitality industry has developed as a result, allowing us to meet and travel in style.

It is a compicated world we operate in now, in the 21st century. Hospitality and restaurant furniture and equipment have become very sophisticated and are subject to damage from wear and tear and abuse. Venues for gathering run the gamut in size and style, and new styles and trends are always emerging.

At Convivium Design, we are committed to implementing great design for visionary clients and getting things built for them – on time and within budget.

Carpe Diem!